Learn How Nudge Works

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Unveiling the Features of Nudge

Medication Adherence Icon

Secured Health Data

We understand how crucial it is to safeguard your health data. Nudge employs advanced security measures to ensure your information remains private.

Insightful Reports

Nudge provides detailed reports on your medication habits. You can easily view adherence rates, understand trends, and make informed decisions about your health.

Convenience Icon
Doctor Communication Icon

Small footprint

Not a bulky dispenser. Doesn’t require much counter space

Simple, User-friendly Interface

Our clean and intuitive design makes managing medication easy. Every feature you need is just a tap away.

Doctor Communication Icon
Doctor Communication Icon

Join a Supportive Community

Nudge connects you to a community that supports your health journey. Share experiences, learn, and grow together with other Nudge users.

Key Features That Put Nudge Ahead

Nudge is revolutionizing medication management. Discover the differences that make Nudge stand out!

Nudge vs. No Tracking

Did I take my medication?

No More Guesswork: You have an answer to your lingering question - “Have I taken my medication today?”

Nudge family

Informed family/caregivers: Your family and caregivers will know that you took or administered the necessary medication dose.

Fun Medication Alerts

Fun and engaging: You will have accompanying light shows and sounds making taking medication more fun.

Nudge vs. Mobile Reminder Apps

Nudge Notifications Differences

Intelligent notifications: Mobile Apps push notifications EVERY time it is time for medication. Nudge only sends notifications when you’re in danger of missing a dose.

Nudge Auto Logging

Auto-logging: Mobile Apps require an extra action to log your medication on a smartphone. Nudge automatically logs the exact time when a user took medication without requiring the users to take any extra actions.

Nudge Report

Double-dosing prevention: Mobile Apps prompt a user to take medication with no regard if they already took a dose. That causes a forgetful user to double-dose. Nudge provides a record of medication movement serving as a reminder to a forgetful user.

Nudge vs. Medication Dispensers

Nudge Device

Simple and reliable: Use Nudge with half pills, powders, liquid medications and more. Nudge does not have proprietary locks that cause issues to users with mobility problems. Nudge does not have weight scales that need to be calibrated or that cause a false alarm.

Compact Design

Compact design: Smaller footprint. While most dispensers edge your kitchen appliances off the counter, Nudge will not do that. Nudge can even reside on a bedside table, or in a convenient nook.

Cost Effective

Cost-effective: Lower Price + No Subscriptions. Nudge will cost less than $100. Medication dispensers start at $300 initial cost and then require subscription to work.
Also, Nudge is not and will never be a subscription model. Save money and don't worry that a delayed bill payment will disrupt your medication management

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions matter to us. In our FAQ section, you'll find comprehensive answers that detail how Nudge works, how it stands apart, how it protects your data, and much more. We've taken the most common questions from our community and provided clear, concise answers. Whether you're curious about our smart bottle technology, data security, or the Nudge app, we've got you covered. If your question isn't here, ask us at: 

Is a smartphone required to use the Nudge medication tracker?
See FAQ Answer

While you don't need a smartphone for daily medication routine alerts and movement tracking, you will require a smartphone with the Nudge App for the initial configuration of a Nudge device. It is also used to access historic reports on medication movement.

Does the Nudge medication tracker require a constant internet connection?
See FAQ Answer

Yes. To facilitate timely email alerts and push notifications, an integral part of our proactive medication management system, Nudge requires a consistent internet connection.

What types of medication can the Nudge smart bottle track?
See FAQ Answer

The Nudge smart bottle is designed to track any medication stored in a prescription bottle. Be it pills, capsules, or tablets, as long as you can store it in the bottle, Nudge will help you manage it efficiently.

Can Nudge monitor multiple medications simultaneously?
See FAQ Answer

Currently, a single Nudge device is tailored to track one medication bottle. However, for comprehensive medication management, you can use multiple Nudge devices to monitor different medications concurrently.

How can Nudge enhance my understanding of medication habits?
See FAQ Answer

Nudge offers insightful reports on your medication habits. The companion app allows you to analyze medication adherence rates, understand behavioral patterns, and make informed decisions to improve your health.

What is the durability of the Nudge device?
See FAQ Answer

Engineered for durability and reliability, the Nudge medication tracking device, with proper care, can provide several years of efficient service.

What happens if I miss a medication dose?
See FAQ Answer

Nudge's innovative alert system will remind you if you miss a dose. In case you overlook the device's light notifications and sound alarms, Nudge escalates it by sending you email and push notifications.

Can I deceive Nudge by just moving the medication bottle?
See FAQ Answer

Indeed, that's possible. However, Nudge is designed to be a helpful tool, providing assistance for a seamless medication routine. If a user chooses not to participate actively, Nudge's full potential may not be realized. Its goal is to foster a consistent routine, remind the busy caregiver, and provide data-driven health insights, but it requires the cooperation of willing participants.

Does Nudge determine medication consumption by weighing the container?
See FAQ Answer

No. Nudge logs activity detected by proximity sensors, rather than weighing the medication container. Current scale sensors aren't reliable for detecting minor weight fluctuations such as a pill, and those that are require continuous calibration. Nudge uses the movement of the medication container at the expected dosage time to infer medication intake.

Our Journey: The Heart of Nudge

Birthed from personal experiences of managing medication for ourselves and our loved ones, Nudge was created with care and understanding. We've walked in your shoes, faced the challenges, and realized the need for a smart, user-friendly solution. That passion drove us to design Nudge. We are more than a company; we are a community committed to simplifying medication management, improving adherence, and promoting healthier lives.